$9.99 billed annually
Solo plan for 1 artist
Release on Social Platforms
Community Access
Share Features
$19.99 billed annually
Solo plan for 1 artist
Unlimited releases
Deliver to 220+ platforms
Royalty Splits
$39.99 billed annually
3 to 100 artists
Custom Label Name
Unlimited Releases, Royalty Splits
Label Prime
Let's Talk!
Commission based pricing
Professional Plan
Label Services
DealMaker (Auto-contract tool)
Advances, Royalty Splits & more
Partner with Parydise Music Network
A collective business model for independent labels looking for major label tools
The Label Collective is not just a service; it’s a business model built on shared growth. We work with like-minded labels to create something greater—an ecosystem where each label contributes to and benefits from the collective.
What Label Collective Brings:
Shared Expertise: Access to specialists across marketing, PR, A&R, and finance.
Collaborative Projects: Opportunities to co-develop releases and campaigns.
Streamlined Operations: Shared infrastructure reduces operational costs and improves efficiency.
Global Network Access: Leverage our regional partnerships to grow internationally.
The Label Collective isn’t for everyone—it’s for labels ready to innovate, collaborate, and thrive together. Learn More
Label Prime
Unlimited Music Distribution + Label Services
A collective business model for independent labels looking for major label tools
The Label Collective is not just a service; it’s a business model built on shared growth. We work with like-minded labels to create something greater—an ecosystem where each label contributes to and benefits from the collective.
What Label Collective Brings:
Shared Expertise: Access to specialists across marketing, PR, A&R, and finance.
Collaborative Projects: Opportunities to co-develop releases and campaigns.
Streamlined Operations: Shared infrastructure reduces operational costs and improves efficiency.
Global Network Access: Leverage our regional partnerships to grow internationally.
The Label Collective isn’t for everyone—it’s for labels ready to innovate, collaborate, and thrive together. Learn More
Solo plan for 1 artist
Release 5 tracks on Social Platforms
Keep 80% of your revenues
Community access
Solo plan for 1 artist
Unlimited releases on all platforms
Keep 100% of your revenues
Royality Splits - Share your royalties with your collborators
Smartlinks - Share smartlinks, collect e-mails, build your community
Spotify verified checkmark
Community access
Unlimited Plan
Annual Fee: $39.99
Perfect for artists or labels ready to release without limits.
3 to 100 artists
Cost per additional artist profile $14.99
Unlimited releases on all platforms
Keep 100% of your revenues
Custom label name
Release your music on Beatport
Royality Splits - Share your royalties with your collborators
Smartlinks - Share smartlinks, collect e-mails, build your community
Spotify verified checkmark
Community access
How It Works:
Simple, Seamless Release Process
Fill in the Release Form: Upload your music, artwork, and release details.
Add Splits: Allocate royalty percentages to collaborators with a few clicks.
Send Contracts: Use automated tools to handle agreements seamlessly.
Get Your Smartlink: Generate a custom link for easy promotion across platforms.
Track Earnings: Monitor streams, downloads, and payouts in real time.
Why Work With Parydise Music Network?
At Parydise, we’re more than a distribution service. We collaborate, innovate, and empower.
For Artists & Labels: From first-time releases to scaling global brands, we tailor tools and support to meet your needs.
For Independent Labels: We offer the tools to succeed without requiring massive in-house teams or budgets.
A Partnership-Driven Model: The Label Collective and Label Prime are designed to grow with you.